The video report of Al Jazeera TV of Rohingya community in the United Kingdom staged two separate demonstrations in front of the Burmese and Thai embassies in London on January 26.
The demonstrations were jointly organized by the Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO) and Burmese Rohingya Organization UK (BROUK).

During the demonstrations, the Rohingya groups protested and condemned the Rohingya extermination policy of the SPDC and the recent inhuman action of the Thai Navy against innocent Rohingya people. The Rohingyas, were innocent and were trying to flee large-scale persecution in Arakan State, and had travelled in search of peace, safe shelter and protection.
Many Burmese organizations, Burmese support groups and human rights organizations, such as, the Burmese Muslim Association (BMA), Burmese Democratic Movement Association (BDMA), Kachin National Organization (KNO), Burma Democratic Concern (BDC), Burma Campaign UK, Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC), and members of other ethnic minorities of Burma and local communities joined the Rohingya groups in the demonstrations.
In the demonstrations, the ARNO and BROUK issued two separate joint statements were issued, with an open letter addressed to Thai Ambassador H.E. Kitti Wasinnondh, and was handed over to the Thai Embassy by Nurul Islam and Tun Khin, following a meeting with First Secretary of the Thai Embassy.

The statements are:-
Joint Statement by Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) and Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) issued on 26th January 2009
(1) The Thai navy had intercepted at least 992 Rohingya and Bangladeshi boatpeople on Thai territorial waters in Andaman Sea between December 18 and 30, 2008. Some of the boatpeople were beaten. Then the Thai navy, after intentionally removing the engines from the captured boats, tied the hands of these helpless people and forced and towed them in engineless boats into the high sea, without navigational equipments, sufficient food and water, and abandoned them to die. More than 500 boatpeople are reportedly missing and feared dead. We have never expected such a treatment from a neighbouring democratic country like Thailand. It is a violation of international humanitarian laws and standards. We strongly protest and condemn these atrocious actions.
(2) The Rohingya, who are rendered stateless, are worst victims of systematic, persistent and widespread human rights violations in Burma, including denial of citizenship rights, severe restrictions on freedom of movement, education, marriage and religion, forced labour, rape, land confiscation, arbitrary arrests, torture, extra judicial killings and extortion on daily basis. So far about 1.5 million them were expelled from the country or have had to leave their homeland to save their lives since 1948. These crimes against humanity which are arguably 'slow-burning genocide' forced the Rohingyas to leave their homes in search of peace, safe shelter, and protection. Government of Thailand should treat them humanitarianly while addressing the root cause of their flights from Arakan.
(3) The longstanding Rohingya problem with the issue of the boatpeople affects Thailand and other countries and is essentially a regional issue having dimension in the perspective of internationalism that demands a 'permanent solution'. In this connection, being an important neighbouring country in the region and its current chairmanship of the ASEAN, we hope Thailand can play a 'key role'.
(4) We are grateful to the Governments of India and Indonesia for rescuing and looking after the drifting boatpeople. Meanwhile, we welcome the statement of Thai Prime Minister H.E. Abhisit Vejjajiva to investigate the boatpeople incident.
At this point in time, we demand the Government of Thailand:
1. To treat the boatpeople humanely, and to stop forcing them to the risk of sinking and drowning;
2. Not to push back the Rohingya refugees and asylum seekers, including the boatpeople, to Burma where their lives will be in danger;
3. To conduct an impartial inquiry, and to take appropriate actions against those responsible for the loss of lives and tragedy of the boatpeople;
4. To allow UNHCR access to the Rohingya boatpeople in Thai custody to determine their status or to see if they are in need of international protection;
5. To try for a 'permanent solution' of the longstanding Rohingya problem.
===============================================Joint Statement of Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) and Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK), issued in London
on 26 January 2009
The indigenous Rohingya, with a long history and glorious past in Arakan, are not tolerated in Burma. The ruling Burmese military SPDC is systematically exterminating this particular ethnic Muslim community from their ancestral homeland with intent to turn Arakan into a Muslim free region. About 1.5 million of them are in Diaspora in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States, Thailand and Malaysia. They are vulnerable in those countries without status.
The SPDC has declared Rohingya as non-nationals rendering them stateless. They have become the worst victims of systematic, persistent and widespread human rights violations in Burma, including denial of citizenship rights, severe restrictions on freedom of movement, education, marriage and religion, forced labour, rape, land confiscation, arbitrary arrests, torture, extra judicial killings and extortion on daily basis. These crimes against humanity which are arguably 'slow-burning genocide' have forced the Rohingyas to leave their homes for various destinations in search of peace, safe shelter, and protection.
From 18-30 December 2008, about 1000 boatpeople, most of them Rohingyas fleeing large-scale persecution in Arakan were intercepted by the Thai navy on Thai territorial waters in Andaman Sea. Over 500 boatpeople are missing or feared dead after being forced back into the sea by the Thai navy in engineless boats. Some of the drifting boatpeople were rescued by the Indian and Indonesian coastguards. We condemn this terrible action of the Thai navy. We also strongly condemn SPDC for creating an impossible situation for a peaceful living of these people and is more responsible for this human tragedy.
SPDC is an illegitimate military regime perpetrating crimes against humanity particularly in ethnic areas. Besides, it is now destroying mosques, churches and places of worship across the country. The regime is making increased demographic changes, particularly in North Arakan, by expelling the Rohingya population and establishing Buddhist settler villages on the Rohingyas' lands.
It may be stressed that, today the SPDC has made the Rohingya people as the most illiterate section in Burma's society. Virtually they have become 'living dead' and are 'dying alive' without any rights of man. They are helpless, hapless and defenceless and so 'the responsibly to protect' this highly vulnerable people lies with the international community.
On this occasion, we demand SPDC:
1. To stop Rohingya extermination and their expulsion;
2. To restore the Burmese citizenship of the Rohingya, and lift forthwith all restrictions on their right to education, right to get married and freedom of movement;
3. To stop religious persecution, destruction of mosques, churches and places of worship, and cease all human rights violations across the country;
4. To free Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, U Tin Oo, U Kayw Min, U Khun Tun Oo and all political prisoners;
5. To start genuinely all inclusive democratic and political process in accordance with the will of the people of Burma.
Date: 26th January 2009
H.E. Kitti Wasinnondh
The Ambassador of Thailand
Royal Thai Embassy
29-30 Queen's Gate
London SW7 5JB
Subject: Concern on the Rohingya boatpeople.
Your Excellency,
Regarding Rohingya boatpeople we would like to express our concerns as follows:
1. The Thai Navy had intercepted at least 992 Rohingya and Bangladeshi boatpeople on Thai territorial waters in Andaman Sea between December 18 and 30, 2008. Some of the boatpeople were beaten. Then the Thai navy, after intentionally removing the engines from the captured boats, tied the hands of these helpless people and forced and towed them in engineless boats into the high sea, without navigational equipments, sufficient food and water, and abandoned them to expose to the risk of sinking and drowning. According to survivors, more than 500 boatpeople are missing or feared dead. We have never expected such a treatment from a neighbouring democratic country like Thailand. It is a violation of international humanitarian laws and standards. We strongly protest and condemn it.
2. The Rohingya are a people under constant tyranny. So far about 1.5 million them were expelled from the country or have had to leave their homeland to save their lives since 1948. They are rendered stateless facing institutionalized persecution while living in abject poverty. Crimes against humanity have been perpetrated against them, including denial of citizenship rights, severe restrictions on freedom of movement, education, marriage and religion, forced labour, rape, land confiscation, arbitrary arrests, torture, extra judicial killings and extortion on daily basis. This extreme situation causes them to flee their homeland for various destinations of the world including neighbouring Bangladesh and Thailand in search of peace, safe shelter, and protection. Government of Thailand should, therefore, treat them humanely while addressing their problems.
3. The Rohingya problem, including the issue of the boatpeople, affects Thailand and other countries in the region and the world. It is essentially a regional issue having dimension in the perspective of internationalism. It is, therefore, imperative to address the root cause of their flights from Arakan towards finding a 'permanent solution'. In this connection, being an important neighbouring country in the region as well as its current chairmanship of the ASEAN, we hope the Government of Thailand can play a key role.
4. We welcome the statement of Thai Prime Minister H.E. Abhisit Vejjajiva to investigate the boatpeople incident. Meanwhile, we hope the proposed Regional Conference will address the Rohingya issue and problem.
In observation of the above facts, we demand the followings:
1. To treat the boatpeople humanely, and not to force them to the risk of sinking and drowning;
2. Not to send back the Rohingya refugees and asylum seekers, including the boatpeople, to Burma where their lives will be in danger;
3. To conduct an impartial inquiry, and to take appropriate actions against those responsible for the loss of lives and tragedy of the boatpeople;
4. To allow UNHCR access to the Rohingya boatpeople in Thai custody to determine their status or to see if they are in need of international protection;
5. To try for a 'permanent solution' of the longstanding Rohingya problem.
With highest regards.
Nurul Islam
Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO)
Arakan, Burma.
Tun Khin Ziaul Gaffar
Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK)
News & Information Department
Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO)
Thailand govt is greedy and corrupted for money. The membership of Burma and Thailand should be canceled from ASEAN organization and also other helping organization . Trade embargo with those govt. who are helping a non-elected and genocide govt. of BURMA. Burma under UN watched, in this time Thailand and China is giving full support to Military Junta.
Boycott ASEAN from
ASEAN Regional Forum
East Asia Summit