By Faisal Alam
Why Bangladesh should withdraw membership from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) should join with-the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, (commonly abbreviated ASEAN) .No trade benefit and Regional cooperation..Where Indian GDP is $1.16 Trillion where Bangladesh GDP is $79.55 Billion.India treat Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan as Province or State of India.There is no economical growth with maintaining partner with terrorist effected Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bangladesh paying price also war on internal Terror (GMB) keeping India as lobby. Lots of intelligence expenses and also innocent human life.Democratic government should think state benefit.Where Bangladesh will ship building investment from Singapore and electronic technological investment from Malaysia.G20 member Indonesia member will help on all side.Tourism policy with Thailand. Natural resource from, if Burma will stable and democratic. Within few years Burma will have to change by her regional community foreign policy.Bangladesh can enter trade with Laos, Cambodia and also same GDP Vietnam.Can enter Bangladesh product open market economy in this region. lots of natural resource.Tourism sector can develop one entry visa in this region. BBC Lonely planet Reporter Bangladesh will be one of the top 7 tourism country in whole world.The world dont know what is coming. Cox's Bazar Airport Can be Air Hub Of this region.People from different region enter to China we can use Air hub and tourism Hub Cox's Bazar like Dubai.Big Aviation will come here we can grow our local Aviation too. 2 or 3 night free stay in this country.Bangladeshi skill worker will work more in Singapore and Malaysia.This region will be free economy and free visa like European Union. Im dreaming one currency ASEAN Dollar. Which will be equivalent to Australian dollar. Australia New Zea-land already sign free trade with ASEAN. ASEAN plus 3 (Japan, South Korea and China) will sign free trade agreement. The Whole GDP of this region will go up to EU.ASEAN will take member of G11( USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan,Canada, China,EU and ASEAN) . people thinking BRIC,USA,UK will come. Brazil, Russia, India and China.
what i can see i just wrote.My sixth sense never gave me wrong. I always hope the best for good people and mankind...