Burmese Rohingya Group Issues Strong Condemnation Letter
Advocates say Burma's government is not taking any action intentionally.
Police stand in from of a mosque in Akyab, Arakan State, Myanmar. Courtesy: Facebook
(MILWAUKEE, WI) - We, the members of the Burmese
Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) strongly condemn the
burning of the 800 years old ancient Akyab central mosque (Jamei Masjid)
on the date of October 07, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. in Akyab (Sittwe) by a
group of Rakhine Buddhist extremist in the collaboration with the
Burmese security forces- Hluntin and police.
On the basis of available authentic information by
phone, the security forces blocked those Rohingya people who were
approaching to extinguish the fire from nearby area the mosque and let
loose the extremist Rakhine Buddhists to burn down even the other houses
and guesthouse inside the compound of the central mosque.
Besides burning the central mosque in Akyab, about
3,000 Buddhist Rakhine extremist surrounded remaining the Rohingya
villages Aung Mingala and Maueik to attack, killing and to destroy whole
villages at any time according to the source from Akyab.
We hold the President Thein Sein of the Burmese Union
Government is fully responsible for failure to restore peace and
security in Akyab (Sittwe) and all affected areas in Arakan State even
though the President Thein Sein promised in the United Nations General
Assembly (UNGA) to solve the problems of the Arakanese Rohingya people
according to international norms.
The Burmese Government is not taking any action
intentionally, whereas the Government was able to control the 1988
student led nationwide pro-democracy uprising, so, it is clear
manifestation the involvement of Burmese security forces with Rakhine
extremist group in the burning of historical Akyab central mosque and
houses of Muslims in the daylight.
In this context, we, the members of the Burmese
Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA) strongly demand
President Thein Sein of Burmese Government to stop all violence and
burning of Muslim holy place (Mosque) and the houses of the Muslims of
Arakan without any delay and also ask the Government for the
establishment of peace and security in the affected areas of Arakan
Provided to Salem-News.com by
The Executive Committee
Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA)
United States of America.
Provided to Salem-News.com by
The Executive Committee
Burmese Rohingya American Friendship Association (BRAFA)
United States of America.
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