Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Why Slavery Dosnt Demolished by Islam? 600AD

So many offensive question: Why Slavery Dosnt Demolished by Islam?
Answer: Analyze by me, inspired by Islamic Scholars.
Because Slave was commodity product, Investment like stock market. Also doing sex with slave reproduction of slave.

Generate money. Create Income, also like a small industry of present day. Term deposit investment of bank.
Slave was as collateral security, like you mortgage your house or land in bank and can borrow money.
It was economic tool.
Its like present day Banking system.
Can you ban all Bank today.
Just from next Sunday all bank was closed forever.
How will be country Bangladesh or world? It will be a disaster for Mankind.
Thats why slavery was not demolished. But Slavery was not encourage in Islam.
Free slave was best sadka.
Freeing slave there so many sin can be forbidden by Allah (GOD).
Brother read more and time travel to 700AD.
Dont tell me to be fundamental Muslim too.
Coz We cant follow all sunnah like Shabah iqram.
This is the reality.
ইসলাম কি দাসপ্রথা উচ্ছেদ করেছে ?

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