Saturday, May 12, 2012

Amitabha Buddha

Trillion dollar man gave gun to everyone as charity[(Zeinab Winfrey) Laboratory Human ]. World became outlaw and bounty hunter. The best will survive.Avick trigger his gun to a child soldier who is just 14 years old. Its laser guided gun. Just one step will take head of child soldier (GeneticallyTibetan Barman ).When he looking at child eyes finger not working. But The child soldier target his Chest. Blood coming like stream inside forest. After few hours a monk found Avick and took him to Forest Monk Pegoda. Head of Frost Monk having (Syi Dan Dwo Bwo Da La).He gave his life to Avick and head died like native american. Actually Forest Monk was Amitabha Buddha. Now Avick learn living without gun he using power of forest monk and his life. One thing happened in the world is not having starving people and no people in under poverty level, Rich people sharing their money to poor safety of their life. People living in simple life some people saying its old soviet but its old Roman citizen life.

Jack & Rose having Terraknockner wich create blocked GPS system & Jam laser guided gun with electromagnetic force. Its kind of 4D radius area. Avick (Trojan Gang) and Helen (Sparta Gang) had broken access code [Which is 2999  prime number (2999 = 3 * 10 power 3 - 1 is prime) ] of Terraknocner (MicroChip inside blood vane).Jack & Rose forced modifying system which is like old Roman. Jack and Rose hate system too but for survivable and better for mankind created  (Legions may consist of heavy infantry, Javelin throwers, and Horse cavalry) Infantry, Sniper and Humvee army car gang. Jack & Rose Having Senate panel all of them are High IQ, warrior & Superior Intelligence Army like -One man Army.  Every 4 years Battle of Army (Gladiator) inside NFL stadium (Coliseum) The winner of one man Army (Gladiator) Join Senate. After few years every thing will stable. History of mankind Human change their civilization day by day. And also Genetically modified by unknown Digit [GOD given a small digit of (DNA and RNA)].

The world changed There is no weapon even keeping knife inside kitchen is crime. Every nessery provide by volunteer of the world. Using resources. Sharing Food, Health care and education there is no crime. Every year food & others surplus. Feeding sea water creature. And  even wild animals. 

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